Cheree Kinnear


Sports recipient

April 2016

About Cheree

  • Competes in archery both nationally, and as a NZ representative, internationally.
  • Holds over 20 NZ records in different divisions and 1 Trans Tasman record.
  • Was awarded the 2015 Albany Campus Sportswoman Of The Year.
  • Achievements for 2016 to date:
    • Silver at Open Women’s National Championship.
    • Gold medal at Auckland Double FITA (Snr).
    • Gold medal at North Island Championships (Snr) + 2 NZ records.
    • Selection to compete and captain the Trans Tasman team (to compete on April 18th in Christchurch).
    • 2 x World Qualifying scores.
  • 2015 Achievements:
    • Gold medal at NZ National Outdoor Championship (Jnr).
    • Gold medal at Auckland Districts Championships (Snr).
    • Gold medal at North Island Championships (Snr).
    • Gold medal at Australian Youth Championships.

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Cheree Kinnear local archer

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Aiming High

As a local, I am still very much involved in the community.

I received a PCHHT grant in 2014 which helped me to compete at the Youth Nationals in Australia. With the help of the community grant, it was an excellent platform for me to launch into a higher level at my sport. Now I am training hard to get to the World Stage 1 and World Championships in 2017. In order to get there, I need to compete at many tournaments both nationally and internationally to get qualifying scores. I have 2 out of the required 4 qualifying scores at this stage.

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